Matcha and Pregnancy


A common question that is asked is whether or not Matcha Green Tea would have any adverse affects to pregnancy. The concern stems from the intake of caffeine, which in a standard cup of coffee can range from 70mg to over 125mg. If you choose to have espresso, then that number jumps up even more. The concern is that in America today so much caffeine is being consumed; coffee, colas, and a variety of foods that have caffeine within their ingredients. If not carefully watched, your caffeine consumption could get easily out of hand. Fortunately matcha caffeine is a very different alkaline caffeine and drinking daily matcha green tea lattes can help the alkalinity needs by the body when pregnant.

Before you try any new product such as Matcha it is always recommended to speak with your health care professional first. Also it is recommended to minimize any stimulating beverage during your first trimester so ideally try and hold off from even Matcha lattes just during the first few months of pregnancy.

According to some medical professionals, a pregnant woman should not consume any more than about 300mg of caffeine daily. Others recommend keeping that intake down to around 200mg of caffeine.

First of all we need to understand that the caffeine in coffee and matcha caffeine are not the same. Furthermore, as we have pointed out at the site, the Matcha caffeine is uniquely different in that the amino acid L-Theanine, works in synergy with the caffeine. Theanine benefits not only the functioning of the brain but how the body distributes and absorbs matcha's alkaline caffeine.

Although Matcha caffeine is different to that found in coffee, it would still be still wise to limit your Matcha latte consumption, and all other sources of caffeine for that matter, while you are pregnant.

So, how severely should you limit your daily Matcha consumption while pregnant? 

Glad you Asked!

Well, a 1 gram serving of Matcha delivers 34mg of caffeine - less than an average cup of coffee - so consumption doesn't necessarily need to be restricted too severely. Typically 1 gram is the same as ½ teaspoon, and 2 grams is the equivalent to 1 teaspoon. So, whether you get 34 mg of caffeine or 68mg of caffeine depends upon how strong you drink your Matcha green tea latte. Once again, bear in mind that the "caffeine" will be utilized over a 3 to 6 hour time span, so you are not dealing with the "typical" caffeine issue that is found with colas, coffee and other caffeinated beverages.

To be on the safe side, however, and to account for other foods or beverages you may take that containe caffeine during the day, we would recommend limiting your Matcha green tea consumption while pregnant to 2 cups a day. 

If you are a pregnant mom with high blood pressure, will Matcha affect me?

Matcha is a natural blood thinner, with numerous studies showing that green tea consumption helps to relax the arterial walls and lower blood pressure. So Matcha is great for those wishing to lower their blood pressure naturally without resorting to medication.

Does all of this apply to our flavored Matcha blends? 

Yes, plus you will get the fabulous benefits of the spices and the coconut nectar/sugar, widely touted as a "wonder sugar" because of the many health benefits of matcha green tea.